Hey everyone! Yes, yes, it is that time! The time I realize oooops, I got so caught up with life that I entirely forgot about the Blog! I am now reconsidering the name of High Country Corals Blog ‘The Monthly’ and thinking of changing it, maybe I should call it ‘The Quarterly’? I would enjoy writing more often than every three months and I will be working on that but I won’t make any promises. Hahaha all kidding aside, I’ll admit, ‘Time’ did get away from me.
Speaking of time, I got to thinking about our aquariums and how much time we spend just staring at them in wonder, in awe and sometimes in anger, frustration or sadness. How much time and emotion we all invest varies person to person but I think we can all agree it’s an addicting investment, monetarily and emotionally. Are our fish emotionally invested? Are they aware? And if so, how aware? Do they peer out of the glass looking at us in wonder and awe? (Please don’t look out at us in anger and frustration) Do fish know who we are, do they care? Do fish have a memory or know what time it is? All great questions, we won't know on all of them but you’ll be surprised at some of the answers we did find….
Hello fellow aquarium friends, TJ here with my amazing hubby Kevin. Welcome to our blog. This is my first time writing a ‘blog’, I had to look that word up as honestly I didn't know exactly what a 'blog' is. Definition- "a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group that is written in an informal or conversational style" OK, no sweat! Easy peasy right? Well of course, I agonized over what on earth to say, like how do you even start your first blog post? With some time and thought I just started writing and here it is!
I'm super excited to get this first post out and look forward to writing many more! So with no more waiting, let's get to it.... |
AuthorTJ & Co-author Kevin Rogers ArchivesCategories |